Well, yesterday was the last day of the big vacation. It was hot and muggy outside too, like 95. So what did we do, we headed off to the motherland, sweet home Chicago. It was "Bears, Family Day" so we took part of the family to see the boys practice. Man talk about some beef, those guys are HUGE. It was really cool being able to watch practice. We had great seats in the end zone, second row. Most of the line practice was down at our end of the field. I got some great pictures of my favorite Bears #57 Olin Kreutz, #30 Mike Brown, #54 Urlacher, and of course, the lovable #8 Rex Grossman. After waiting in line hours and watching practice, we were able to watch an awesome fireworks show, way better than what we seen this past 4th of July. It was great. I was thinking about how nice it was being among like minded people. All you could see was a sea of Bears Blue and Orange. There was not a single sissy blue Colts shirt in the crowd. NICE.
We enjoyed the sites on our way up, nothin' better than the Gary, Indiana landscape. Rusty metal, and old abandon buildings. Did you know that Michael Jackson was born in Gary? We have a lot in common that Michael Jackson and I. I was also born in Gary, and we both turned out to be white guys. Go figure. Enjoy the pictures, I wonder if Michael is a Bears fan too? ~Brian~
We enjoyed the sites on our way up, nothin' better than the Gary, Indiana landscape. Rusty metal, and old abandon buildings. Did you know that Michael Jackson was born in Gary? We have a lot in common that Michael Jackson and I. I was also born in Gary, and we both turned out to be white guys. Go figure. Enjoy the pictures, I wonder if Michael is a Bears fan too? ~Brian~
The Colts are better :P It does sound like you guys had fun, I love going to chicago...even if its full of bears fans.
Hey I am with you Brian Colts sissy's, Anyways just wanted to say that my camera would have taken better pictures!! ha ah ha ah, Jk anyways looked like fun have a wonderful day
Well I don't know about the Colt's Comment...but I really enjoyed the updates and I really enjoy your writing style!
God Bless,
You can call us "sissy Colts" all you want and it still won't change the outcome of Super Bowl 41. :-)
Yeah, but can they beat the Patriots? Well, guess now that I'm moving - I will be a Giants and Bills fan, eh? Actually, don't care about football one iota, so there!!! :)
The Colts DID beat the Patriots.
AND, if the Colts are sissies, the Bears must be girls!!!! :-)
Go Blue!!!
Brian - - - I keep coming back here to find your responses to all our Bear bashing - - - but you must not be a TRUE fan as you are silent.
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