As you may or may not know Wednesday's are a pretty busy day for youth pastors. My Wednesday this week was busy and a bit emotional for me. I'm going to be a little transparent with you today. Oprah would be so proud of me. Not really, I am a guy and I don't think she likes guys too much. Anyway, my church is doing something different on Sunday nights to help our congregation get to know each other better. It has been really fun. We start off with a dinner and then play a big group game. We've been doing a power point version of "Jeopardy" with the categories related to the families being highlighted that week. "Places we've been", "What I'd like to be doing", "Favorite Vacations Spots" stuff like that. Well, this week we are doing a baby picture game. We'll show a picture of a baby on the big screen at church and everyone will have to guess who it is. I have been working on the power point for that. All that being said to say this. Jaye asked my mom to dig out a few baby pictures of me, which I pointed out in an earlier post are really hard to come by. So Granny found some, two to be exact. She said, "All the other ones are in the attic." My question is who's attic, cause I know they aren't in hers. One of those pictures is of my dad holding what I would call one of the top 5 or 6 cutest babies in the world, me :) So those of you that will be at church this Sunday will get one correct right off the bat cause that's me on my Dad's lap.
Ok, so I've been working on those pictures and then yesterday we had a funeral service here at the church. It was a memorial service, no casket or anything like that. Much the same as my family had for Dad. It took me back to his service. I have been reminded of how much time has passed since then; he never met Anna or Joseph, didn't get a chance to see how beautiful Jessica is or what type of man Wesley is growing into. Plus, I've been looking at pictures of me, my family, my kids and that also makes me realize how fast time goes by, how old I'm getting, how old my babies are, how much I miss my Dad (he died almost eight years ago and it seems like last week). Emotions, aghhh. All that going on and I had to finish up plans for youth group, print out permission slips for a district all nighter, clean up, rearrange for youth group, cook dinner.... I'm glad it is going to be Friday soon.
You are a good friend. Love you, brother.
Hey - - - how in the world am I supposed to recognize your blog when I get here if you keep CHANGING the template all the time?????
Just wondering - - -
hey Bro! I recognized that picture right away! I mean, Dad is a giveaway, of course - but I still remember you when YOU were a baby - how does that make me SOUND? You who will be the BIG FOUR OH this year - makes me sound OLLLDDD - know what you mean about those pictures - I look at them and sigh - I was so YOUNG, so CUTE, so THIN - but then I think - I was so NAIVE, so NOT WISE as I am now - so it's a tradeoff I guess. Anyway- thanks for the blast from the past - I miss Dad too - remind me to tell you a story about Dad's funeral and AJ -
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