Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What I do.

Many people wonder what a youth pastor does all day. Well, here is a sample of my Wednesdays. Hope you enjoy.


Chris said...

I'm not sure what your problem is. What I saw you do only took 5 seconds...at least that was how long the video was.


Keetha Broyles said...

I thought the same thing - - - and I wish I could move that fast!!!!

Bekah said...

hey if you are that fast - then i can hire you to do my yard work. or at least teach me how to finish it that quickly!

Unknown said...

so what happens the other 7 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds?

The Hollands said...

If any of you would like to have super fast speed, I train each and every Wednesday and Thursday at the church. Please stop by sometime and I'll teach ya how to do it. It takes years of training and dedication so if you wanna learn you'll have to comment to a long training period. But its worth it, after I teach you that skill I'll teach you how to drive a church van to pick up students.~Brian