Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Circle of Stuff

Wes is cleaning out his closet preparing for a mini bedroom makeover. He is a pretty clean kid but he tends to be a bit of a "packrat". I really think he has every toy ever purchased for him. I just thought I'd share with you the excitement happening on the 2nd floor of our house tonight!!

Wes has dumped his whole closet onto his bed.

The special stuffed animals are making their way to the attic.

Kinda a "before" shot...maybe in a couple months you'll see the "after".

Joseph showing off his new treasures...hundreds of Hot Wheels.
Some of these were actually Brian's when he was a kid...
what was I saying about being a pack-rat!!

Anna's new treasures include: an old dart board, spongebob stickers, sea shells, a complete library of "Captain Underpants" chapter books, a bucket of bouncy balls and Wesley's 4th grade valentine box...
a treasure chest of used valentines!!

What brings this all full circle is that I remember when I was little my brother would "clean" his room in the same way. He would always pile all the stuff he no longer wanted in front of my bedroom door with a sticker on it that said "Happy Birthday"! Aren't big brothers the best?!?!? ~Jaye


Tina said...

Nothing like your own set of lockers. He has to keep those! My hand-me-downs were a shirt or dress from my sister. My brothers didn't share. But I've since forgiven them... :O)

Keetha Broyles said...

One man's trash is another man's treasure!

Hey - - - WHAT WAS I THINKIN'????

I had my camera right in my purse tonight when I saw you at the store - - - I should have gotten someone to take our picture together and BLOGGED about it!!!!!!!

Rats - - - on good blog post missed!

Terhune Family said...

Rachel cleans her room by putting her unwanted stuff in everyone else's room upstairs. Daniel has a princess tower in his room now. Sarah has some leftover Barbie parts. Brad and I now have a princess mirror. Hmmm...

Bekah said...

Man...I have missed out!!! Although I guess one advantage of having such an age gap with the siblings was that when mine actually did clean out, it was furniture. That's how I stocked my house when I first got out on my own!