Why Am I Like This???
As I was cleaning off our bookshelves in order to make room for all the new book Christmas brought I noticed something. I have two whole shelves of books that I have collected over the years. Most of them are the "self help" type of books like how to be a better mom (which I'll have plenty of time to read after the kids are grown), how to grow in your walk with Christ, how to deepen your relationship with your spouse, etc...you get the idea. I LOVE these books and I joke about "collecting" books. The sad thing is that I have never finished a ONE of these books! I noticed as I was rearranging them that most of them have bookmarks about halfway through. Obviously, started off with good intentions but got sidetracked along the way. I did read a couple books last year. "Mistaken Identity" was a great book and I even read through the "Twilight" series so I could see what all the hype was about. But these books didn't come from my collection, so they don't really count!So, this is the year. I will read at least one book a month! It's not a big goal, but an attainable goal for me! After I read the book, it's outta here...pass it along...donate it...GONE! Well, of course, unless it's a really good read that I want to keep!! :)
Funny side note: I found this book of Japanese gift boxes. It has beautiful boxes that you cut out and fold together for gift giving. This was a gift from my sis-n-law at least 15 years ago and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I have kept it all these years saving these boxes for special occasions!! Many special occasions have come and gone but I still have this COMPLETE book! I think I have a problem...I may need help!
That book of boxes is way cool! But I can understand it still being complete - - - it's too pretty to tear apart!
I don't like self-help books. Never have. They always make me really angry in about the third paragraph - - - so that's all the farther I ever get.
Now a good, well written novel? I'll finish that EVERY time - - - in fact, I'm always reading one. I check mine out from the library though, only own a precious few.
Would any of those boxes happen to be a treasure chest? I am looking for one for my classroom.
Just wondered if I can help you use up one of those books of your! ;o)
I stopped reading those self-help books years ago. Same reason, about half way through I either got discouraged or bored. Sorry, you're just stuck with me the way I am!!!
Connie Leonard
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