Fabulous Friday
I haven't had my day off in a couple of weeks so today I didn't work. It was grand. Joseph and I hung out most all day. Let me share with you some of our fun. We started off with a trip to the park. We hung out on Marion's most "awesomest" playground. If you haven't been to Matter Park you should go. They have a really, really nice playground. They had to have spent over a hundred grand on the thing....it's huge!. We had a blast there. Then we stopped by to visit Mommy at work, took her a soda and headed home to mow. On the way home Joseph said he wanted to wear his safety glasses while we mowed, so he did. I hope you notice that we are dressed alike, he picked out his clothes.
After mowing we called Granny to wish her a Happy Birthday. He misses his Granny. It was good for him to talk to her today.
We ended the day doing dishes. I
might add, it goes much quicker when I do them alone. But what fun would that be?
so where's the pic of this sweet park? Alee
Awwwwwww thanks for this little glimpse of your day with Joseph!!!
I joined a blogging football league. All I had to do was PREDICT the winners/losers for the games today.
In HONOR of you - - - - and because I was SURE they would kick Tampa Bay tail, I predicted YOUR Bears. What in the world did they LOSE that game for?!?
Oh yah - - - probably the SAME reason MY Colts lost theirs to Jacksonville.
it looks like you guys had a pretty busy and fun filled day. im sure you both enjoyed the day quite a bit!!! :-)
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