Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ahhh...Snow Days!

I admit it...I LOVE SNOW DAYS!! I tend to be a bit of a "homebody". So when we have weather like this I don't have to feel guilty about staying home. As long as there is food in the pantry and diapers for Joseph...I'm set!!! I know there are those of you out there that HATE winter. I guess I must apologize for being so excited in your misery. I've lived in Indiana my whole life and I know with Indiana winters comes Indiana snow! I can't change it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! Welp, all that being said...time to go out and enjoy. Anna and I are off to play in the white winter wonderland! ~Jaye~

Ha! Looks like Joseph needs a kleenex!!

Some inside fun!


Keetha Broyles said...

I have always loved snow right down to the tip of my Wisconsin northwoods roots!!!

Keetha Broyles said...

Also, Jaye - - - keep LOVING those snow days. Looks like you make them celebrational, and we don't have enough of that in this life!!!

My parents did the same thing, and that's the reason why to THIS DAY I love a good snow day - - - even though now that I'm a teacher the thought of MAKING THEM UP isn't quite so fun!!!

I LOVE that everyone is in their jammies in the train picture!!!!

Keetha Broyles said...

Ooops I see it all clearly now - - - its a race car track and NOT a train.

The Hollands said...

Maybe what makes snow days so great is cause it's "out of the routine"! We don't HAVE to be anywhere because most likely anything scheduled has been canceled. That too is why we stayed in our jammies all day Sunday!

Keetha Broyles said...

(shhhh - - - I did too!!!) ;-)

Bette said...

I love snow days too - especially now that I can work from home if I have to (laptop) and I agree- it's a good excuse to stay in jams and hang out all day doing absolutely NOTHING ! I say prayers for all those who HAVE to go out - the snow plow guys, the cops, the fire dept., and the furnace guys! Love the pix!

Aunt Bette

The Hollands said...

But what is it about those days that makes me want to COOK. I baked breakfast casserole, banana bread, chex mix and various other goodies that are all gone!! Good thing we stayed in our jammies...wouldn't have been able to fit in our jeans anyway! :)