Sunday, September 16, 2007


This summer we got a new camera. Jessica has kinda taken over the photo duty here around the house and has come up with some pretty cool shots. During the summer I challenged her to get 100 "wow" pictures from around our house, the rule; they must be taken from our property. I wanted to share some of the 100 with you. ~Brian


Sarah said...

i like the pic of the boys playing pool!

Keetha Broyles said...

Jessica - - - are you considering a career in photography??? YOU SHOULD - - - you have a natural eye for it!!!

OK, I give up - - - what is the top picture?!?

My favorite because of the light contrasts and the angle is the corn plant.

The Hollands said...

The first picture is the inside of our toilet!... Ok not really! That is the mold growing in our sandbox because we don't put a lid on it and the rain has gathered there! Very gross ,I know, but you gotta admit it's a cool picture!!
Thank you for the compliments on my photography:)

Keetha Broyles said...

Ah ha!!! That explains the bubbles!!! Oxygen being released by the algae under water!!! I was trying to make it into a washcloth in a tub of bubble bath!!! Hehehehehe

Bekah said...

NICE job!!! you gonna scrap em?

Bekah said...
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Bekah said...
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Bekah said...

Here's what I learned - when you get impatient while posting a comment, it posts three times. Hence the need to delete two of the duplicates. Eyeroll.

Bette said...

Jess has a good eye - good composition and artistic shots - and by the way, thanks for sharing "SOME" of the 100 - (not ALL)


Keetha Broyles said...

I'd LOVE to see them ALL!!!