Same Day Different Views
When you think you're having a bad day, just think of these poor guys at the parade. A couple times a year you have to be on your game and these guys miss it. You can't tell by the photo but the three wheeler isn't running either. I missed the shot of them pushing both rides down the alley. I know how they must feel.
But here I am with my daughter having a great day. ~ Brian
What parade is this and where are you!?! I've been TRYING to figure it out - - - but I give up.
K, we are in the great town of Upland right next to the police station. This was there grand Labor Day event, marching bands, old cars, horse, the hole nine yards. ~Brian
Wow - - - I didn't even know there WAS a Labor Day Parade anywhere AROUND here!!!
Hey - - - did you eat at Ivanhoe's afterwards?!?
BTW, Brian, Greg is going back to the BIG POND on Monday, would you want me to have him call you and invite you?
WARNING - - - they fish late into the night, sleep in the TRUCK, and then fish again the next day before returning home at whoknowswhat hour!!!! Let me know - - - -
I drove by your lovely abode today - - - had anyone been in the yard, I was going to pull in and say "hi" - - - but no one was, so you were spared that!!!
hmmm...we were outside most of the day! It was BEAUTIFUL!! :) We would have loved to see you in person!
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