Monday, September 17, 2007
The Roasting Pan
Jaye wants her roasting pan back. You see for the last two years I have been using her pan to catch rain water in the attic, along with about six or seven other buckets and pans. Our roof has been leaking for quite some time. In order to return Jaye her pan I started working on my roof. We have three layers of very old, brittle, ugly shingles. The top layer, black, the middle green t locks, and the bottom layer green three tabs. I started my quest to return the pan by driving around Marion looking for the best deal on a truck load of shingles. I did the usual stops...Lowes, The Home Depot and I even went to a place that is out of business as of September 12th. None of these wonderful establishment would be able to place my truck load of shingles on top of my roof, for that is a very important service I need. I really don't want to lug the bundles up the ladder myself. Carters Lumber will conveyor the load up for me for only .50 a bundle. What a great deal! Join with the Hollands this week as we blog the progress of retuning the pan. I'm working on it all week, so if you wanna show us some love please feel free to stop by and lend a hand.
"King of the roof"
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Bless your hearts!!! We have reroofed TWO houses - - - and we did, (well, Greg did, I didn't) haul all the shingles up there ourselves.
Keri and Jason just finished reroofing their house two weeks ago.
You have our deepest sympathies!!!!
We've been praying for RAIN because Greg just reseeded the yard - - - - I suppose you want us to STOP that for your roofing project!!!
Well, seems that God was already listening to you and not to us anyway because Chuck Loftin says it isn't going to rain all the way through Friday - - - so hurry up and get that tar paper on that roof and dry it in!!! :-)
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