Thursday, October 25, 2007

Corn Maze II

We had a great time at the Campbell's Pumpkin Patch.
We took around 39 people last night for youth group to a pumpkin patch in Wabash, In. It was a great time. We started out the night at the concession stand; pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins and pumpkin pie. Wash all that down with some hot or cold apple cider...good stuff! Of course the guys had to load up on hot dogs and loaded nachos. They had good prices and good grub.
After the food we went on a scavenger hunt. The Campbell's Pumpkin Patch staff had little objects hidden around the property. The youth group was given clues and set off to find them. It was cool.
After the scavenger hunt...the corn maze. The moon last night was full or almost full so it was pretty light in the maze. Most of the teens didn't have too much trouble getting through the maze. A couple of youth sponsors sneaked in the back way to try and scare some of the was too bright.
We ended the night with a hay ride. A packed hay ride.
A good time was had by all.
We took the camera, didn't take any pictures.

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

Rats!!! I wanted to SEE the pictures!!!