Friday, April 25, 2008


Today Jaye and I went to the funeral of Ron Bridgman. Ron is the father-n-law of Jaye's former youth pastor, the father-n-law of the Pastor I used to work with in Bryant and the guy that rented me my first apartment. Ron was a good man. Today at his funeral Mark Atkinson, one of his son-n-laws, said a few words about Ron that I really agreed with. He said, "Ron was the man of the house." When I think back over the years and the influence that Ron had "being a man" fits him perfect. Ron was a tough guy, big weight lifter and a prison guard. I've referred to him before as one of my hero's. I had always admired the way he treated his Lady, the way the carried himself and the way this big tough guy was a tender-hearted man. I had the opportunity a few times to sit down with him on the front porch of that apartment and chat. He had some wild stories about the prison. He was one guy that you wouldn't want to mess with and one guy you would want on your side if you were messed with. I think the thing that stands out more than the battle stories or the giant stack of weights on his bench press was the way he prayed. Now there weren't a lot of times I can remember hearing him pray but when I did hear him, he cried as he prayed. When he was finished there wouldn't be anyone thinking, 'oh what a sissy, this guy was crying'. He wasn't ashamed to have cried and at any time every guy around knew he could rip their head off if he wanted to. Now that is a man! I hope when it's my time I will have much of the same things said of me....he loved his wife with all his heart. His grandkids respected and loved him. He was a man of God! Ron will be missed.

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

Chrissy - - Urgent - - - Thanks.